Our March HSV Woodworkers meeting is Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30 pm held in the Ouachita room, Ponce Center.

The Next meeting’s presentation is Wed Mar. 12, 2025 and is a Live Stream with George Vondriska – Managing Editor – WoodWorkers Guild of America Woodworking Videos, Classes & More | Woodworkers Guild of America | WoodWorkers Guild of America.  Come at 6:30 to get to know us. The presentation will be on Dovetails: Tips and Tricks, Jigs, and Techniques. See these famous and infamous joints come to life.

George Vondriska has been teaching woodworking since 1986. In addition to teaching classes at his own Vondriska Woodworks School, George teaches at woodworking shows across the country and has taught woodworking for Peace Corps/Swaziland, Andersen Window, Northwest Airlines, and the Pentagon. George has had numerous magazine articles published, from tool reviews to shop improvement projects. Learn more about him and his school at vondriskawoodworks.com.

The Hot Springs Village Woodworkers Inc club is incorporated as an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit organization to provide fellowship and education for members and community service using member’s woodworking knowledge and skills. Monthly club meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month from 7 to 9 PM. Before the meeting, 6:30 to 7 PM is meet & greet time for visitors, new members & current members. Meetings are held in the Ponce De Leon Center (1101 Desoto Blvd) Ouachita Activities Building (next to the Woodlands Auditorium) in Hot Springs Village (HSV) Arkansas. These meetings are short on business and long on interesting woodworking topics. Family membership is $25 per year, and we welcome visitors to our meetings. Membership Application

You can download the membership application at this link. Fill it out (it is a pdf that you can fill out in most pdf readers. then you can print it) and bring it to a meeting or mail it to the treasurer: Irene Sandhaus, 24 Tamayo Way, HSV, AR. Make your check out to HSV WoodworkersRemember this is a family membership so be sure to include your spouse’s information also.

Club Monthly Meetings

The first hour of the meeting is used for the introduction of visitors and new members, and brief discussions of pending and new matters. Show-and-tell presentations follow with members presenting their favorite projects. Construction and finishing techniques are described and any questions are answered. After a short break, the second hour is devoted to a special topic often conducted by a visiting expert. When a special topic requires an extended discussion or demonstration, the meetings are held in a member’s large shop or commercial shop. To view the current and/or past club monthly meeting newsletters, click on the “Newsletter button” on the left side of this webpage.

Additional Club Activities

Another activity, that has taken hold, is the forming of special project groups within the main club that provide more frequent get-togethers of members who have common interests or those working on group projects. Examples include the Christmas Toy project teams, School Bookcase project teams, and other teams formed for community-specific build projects. Examples of these project activities can be seen by clicking on the “Xmas Toys button” and “Bookcases button” on the right-hand side of this webpage.

The club’s biggest annual project is making Christmas toys & gifts for deserving area children. In past years increasing numbers of toys and gift items were built with recent efforts resulting in over 500 toys and gifts donated to local groups. Garland, Saline and Pulaski County groups have included head start programs, children in foster care, and shelters.