Books & Bookcases Literacy Project
The Village Woodworkers Club has a special annual community service project with 3 school districts called the “Bookcases & Books Literacy Project” to assist with raising literacy in grade schools. The project has several steps each year that starts with the club members building hardwood bookcase kits. A purchase grant is obtained for books from the Hot Springs Area Community Foundation (HSACF). Members pick up the kits to be built and finished that will be presented to the students.
Three area Grade School Principals and their staffs motivate their students to be one of the most improved reading students in their class. Each school librarian uses club supplied HSACF grant money or club funds to cost effectively purchase appropriate reading level books for award.
Most improved reading students are identified based on the results of state level testing. School Principals, staff and librarians identify most improved students and package books with each bookcase and conduct awards ceremonies. The bookcases and books are given to given to students to keep in their home. This bookcase & books program, and other programs like it, have provided substantial motivation to students to improve their reading skills and literacy. Students, family members and family friends typically add additional books to their new “home library”. Typical annual bookcases and books awards for the Jessieville, Mountain Pine and Fountain Lake Primary School Districts are pictured.
The Bookcases & Books Literacy Project was started By Richard (Dick)Herrmann and lead by Dick until his unexpected death. Dick was inspired by a literacy improvement project started by Jim Davidson, a self syndicated columnist in Conway, AR. You can read more about Jim’s project details by going to website address: and clicking on the “Bookcase Literacy Project” Button.
Hot Springs Area Community Foundation (HSACF) and Woodworkers Club Book Grants
The Hot Springs Area Community Foundation (HSACF) has made a variable dollar amount grant each year for the purchase of books included with bookcase awards. Each year the Woodworkers Club Board of Directors votes on the amount of club money to make up the dollar total awarded to each school. To maximize book buying power, the club writes three checks to the Fountain Lake, Mountain Pine and Jessieville Primary School Districts. Each School District Librarian is then able to make volume purchases of special priced books from school book distributors.
The Librarians, Principals and associated teachers place age and reading level appropriate books in each bookcase awarded in the school’s most improved reading program. The HSACF and Woodworkers funded books combined with Woodworkers Club built bookcases are powerful reading improvement incentives for all Fountain Lake, Mountain Pine and Jessieville grade school students. The awards at each school are typically made in May towards the school year end. Past awards at the schools are summarized below.
Instructions for Bookcase Assembly
Instructions for assembling the bookcases for this project can be found on our Bookcase Assembly Instructions page.